NXTmove4.0 Business Design Trend Analysis
The following information reflects 400 NXTmove design assessments conducted on businesses. These businesses range in size from 20 employees to multi-nationals employing thousands of people.
The design areas assessed include the following: people energy, information communication technology, workplace, leadership, communication, quality assurance, customer service, business intelligence, innovation, strategy, business processes, business value growth potential, marketing, sales, change, corporate governance, risk, customer relationship management, precision business and branding.
Key business drivers per industry
On a high level, it is important to highlight the most important business driver per industry, consuming the most energy as well as the business area in which the least energy is spent.
Industry | Key business driver | Area in which the least energy is spent |
Agriculture | Business Value Growth Potential | Quality Assurance |
Art | Communication | Quality Assurance |
Charity / NGO | Marketing | Corporate Governance |
Communication | Business Processes | Change Management |
Construction | Strategy | Corporate Governance |
Consulting | Workplace | Corporate Governance |
Education | Marketing | Corporate Governance |
Farming | Change Management | Corporate Governance |
Financial Services | Business Value Growth Potential | Innovation |
Hospital / Emergency | Business Intelligence | Quality Assurance |
IT | Workplace | Quality Assurance |
Manufacturing | Business Value Growth Potential | Corporate Governance |
Media | Marketing | Quality Assurance |
Medical | Precision Business | ICT |
Military / Police | Workplace | Customer Service |
Mining | Strategy | Communication |
Public Service | Business Value Growth Potential | Change Management |
Security | Strategy | Quality Assurance |
Services | Marketing | Corporate Governance |
Transport | Sales | Change Management |
Travel and Hospitality | Marketing | Innovation |
Wholesale / Retail | Marketing | Quality Assurance |
Tendency to focus only on marketing for growth
Other design areas that get a lot of energy and focus across all businesses are marketing, branding, sales and business intelligence. Businesses all tend to spend a lot of their strategic and operational energy on branding and marketing their products and services. A lot of emphasis is placed on sales. The data indicates that when businesses want to grow or find themselves in trouble, they tend to sell, sell and sell with the inevitable result of poor or no energy focused on other critical design areas. We tend to market what we can and in doing this, try to unlock more value growth potential in the business. This however suffers if the other key business drivers are not optimally designed. In a future world a strong marketing and sales drive without the support of sophisticated systems and customer interaction channels, will have a negative effect on the growth potential of a business.
Businesses struggle to change with the times
Many companies are obsessed about their business intelligence capabilities. They do however not capitalise on this intelligence to take the business to the next level in terms of a future ready design. One of the reasons for this is the fact that businesses are not strong on innovating and moving with the times.
It is interesting that strategy as a business driver consumes a lot of energy. The strategy is however not executed and operationalised successfully and optimally due to business processes being poorly designed.
The weakest areas of design across 400 businesses assessed are Corporate Governance and Quality Assurance. Businesses tend to let things fail before they recover it. Holistically businesses are not designed to deliver quality and they are not designed to be governed and regulated. Change Management also suffers. Companies are bad at being agile, reacting to a changing landscape and implementing change pro-actively.
A focus on people and customer service is lacking
Universally businesses struggle with their people energy management. It is also clear that businesses do not employ the latest and most sophisticated technology. They struggle to get their communication right and they pay little attention to innovation.
The data indicates that businesses tend to spend energy sparingly on their workplace. Most business leaders understand that the most important stakeholder in a business is the customer. Despite this knowledge, in general, customer service doesn’t get the attention it should.
Universally the leadership function in business measures in the middle range as an active business design function. This however is not where leadership should function. A future ready business is designed by leadership, innovation and change. These business design functions must measure in the strong to very strong design functions of a business.
Leaders must redesign their businesses for the future
In conclusion it is clear that businesses design themselves to do business and survive in an old or current landscape. To thrive and unlock business value in a future world, businesses would have to redesign themselves. Business leaders must invest in sophisticated technologies, automated business processes and interactive customer channels. To continue to only focus on marketing, branding and sales without the sophisticated legs to carry these initiatives, could soon result in many businesses finding themselves outdated, outrun by the competition and even irrelevant.
Authors: Lizette de Villiers and Guy Krige
Data source: NXTmove4.0 data